Get a free 3.5 lb bag of 9 Lives cat food (limited to the first 50,000 registrants). It says they will send an email with instructions on how to get your bag. I have yet to receive the email so I'm not sure if it is a coupon or what? UPDATE: The email says that you will receive a coupon in 6 to 8 weeks. My email went into my spam folder so be sure to check there if you don't get the email!
Thanks to My Good Cents for this offer.
I got an email almost immediately that said the coupon would be mailed in 4 to 6 weeks...
It went into my spam folder. The timestamp is 1 minute after I posted this. I swear I checked as I was posting though and it wasn't there, lol (I even checked spam!) Thanks for reminding me to check again! My DDs BFF will be thrilled (her 2 cats get all of my feline freebies!)
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