Wow! What a week! There are a ton of things that are free after Single Check Rebate this week!
Triaminic Cough Syrup 4 oz, Thin Strips 14-18 ct or Vapor Fan 1 ct $3.99 ($3.99 SCR)
NeilMed Nasalflo Neti Pot $10.99 ($10.99 SCR)
Ayr Saline Nasal Rinse Kit $6.99 ($6.99 SCR)
NeilMed Pediatric Sinus Rinse Kit $4.99 ($4.99 SCR)
Simply Saline Sinus Kit $6.99 ($6.99 SCR)
Children's Advil Liquid 4 oz $3.99 ($3.99 SCR)
Children's Throat Cooler 6 ct $2.99 ($2.99 SCR)
Mentholatum Cherry Chest Rub 1.76 oz ($2.99 ($2.99 SCR)
Little Colds 1 oz or Little Noses Mist 1.7 oz $3.99 ($3.99 SCR)
Theraflu Warming 8.3 oz $3.99 ($3.99 SCR)
Excedrin Extra Strength or Tension Express Gels 20 ct $3.99 ($3.99 SCR)
Comtrex Cold & Cough or Cold & Sinus 20 ct $3.99 ($3.99 SCR)
Bee M.D. Natural Cough Drops 21 ct $2.49 ($2.49 SCR)
Nexcare Microvex Cold Sore Treatment .07 oz $8.99 ($8.99 SCR)
Simply Saline Allergy/Sinus Relief or Baby 1.5 oz $3.99 ($3.99 SCR)
Simply Saline Nasal Mist Cold Formula 3 oz $4.99 ($4.99 SCR)
Breathe Again Nasal Spray Adult or Child 3.3 oz $7.99 ($7.99 SCR Limit 2)
Hyland's Sniffles 'n Sneezes 125 ct or Cough Syrup 4 oz $3.99 ($3.99 SCR)
Buckley's Cough Mixture 4 oz $3.99 ($3.99 SCR)
4 Way Nasal Spray .5 oz $3.99 ($3.99 SCR)
Chloraseptic Max Sore Throat Spray 1 oz or Max Wildberry Lozenges 15 ct $2.99 ($2.99 SCR)
Sucrets Throat Lozenges 18 ct or Sucrets Ice $2.99 ($2.99 SCR)
Zucol Coldcare 18 ct $5.99 ($5.99 SCR)
Sambucol Immune System Booster Lozenges 30 ct or Syrup 4 oz $7.99 ($7.99 SCR)
Novitra Cold Sore Cream .25 oz $8.99 ($8.99 SCR)
Orajel Cold Sore Treatment Overnight Patch or Brush 46.99 ($6.99 SCR)
Soft Lips Lip Conditioner 1 or 2 pack $2.99 ($2.99 SCR)
Chapstick True Shimmer .15 oz $1.99 ($1.99 SCR)
Lizard Lips Lip Balm .15 oz .99 (.99 SCR)
LypSyl LypMoisturizer 1 ct 41.99 ($1.99 SCR)
Buy One Get One Free manufacturer coupon has been posted on product website for Throat Cooler. They are distributed at most pharmacy and grocery store chains. Coupon can be downloaded at http://www.throatcooler.com
can you get rebates by purchasing online? Please let us know!
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