Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Shopping 10/1/08

Round 1 of Kmart Super Doubles!

Oxy bar soap $2 - $1 q = FREE (on clearance)
3 Kotex Lightdays $3.87 - 3 x .75 q = FREE
4 Dove shampoo/conditioner $15.96 - 4 x $2 q = FREE
Sunsilk shampoo $1.74 - $1.50 q = FREE (on clearance)
4 Tums Smoothies $7.56 - 4 x $1 q = FREE
4 Johnson & Johnson First Aid gauze pads $6.76 - 4 x $1 q = FREE
4 KY Jelly $17.96 - 4 x $2 q = 1.96
EAS bar $1.99 - $1 q = FREE
3 EAS bars $5.37 - 3 x $1 q = FREE
4 Pert Plus shampoo/conditioner $11.96 - 4 x $2 q = FREE
3 Whiska Lickins cat treats $4.17 - 3 x $1 q = FREE
3 Pedigree dog treats $9.87 - 3 x $1.50 q = .87
Ziploc Vacuum Pump $3.99 - $2 q = FREE
8 Pounce cat treats $10.32 - 4 $1.50/2 q = $1.68 overage
2 Hunts Snack Pack pudding $2 - .75/2 q = $1 (only doubled up to the price of 1 but I didn't push it because of the overage on the cat treats)

Total: $6.66 ($4.49 of which was tax)

Fresh & Easy

California Rolls $2.25 (marked down 50%)
turkey club wrap $2 (marked down 50%)
roast beef & cheddar sandwich $1.90 (marked down 50%)
Cool Whip $1.29
pork riblets $3.78 (marked down 50%)
bagels 6 pk $1 (marked down 50%)
angel food cake $1.74 (marked down 50%)
1 lb grapes .99
12 bananas $2.16
used $5/$20 coupon

Total: $15.09

Round 2 of Kmart Super Doubles!

4 Gillette shampoo $16 - 4 x $2 q = FREE
2 Dove conditioner $7.98 - 2 x $2 q = FREE
3 Sunsilk shampoo/conditioner $9 - 3 x $1.50 q = FREE
4 Sunsilk styler $12 - 4 x $1.50 q = FREE
4 Maalox $15.96 - 4 x $1.50 q = $3.96 (did my math wrong on this one but since it was my fault I didn't mess with returning them)
8 Met RX protein bars $15.92 - 4 x $2/2 coupons = .04 overage (had to go to the service desk for this since the coupons didn't double and she gave me a little too much back)
2 Endust $6.58 - 2 x $2 q = FREE
4 Glade Scented Candle Holders w/o candles $11.96 - 4 x $2 q = FREE
4 Altoids $7.96 - 4 x $1 q = FREE
3 Del Monte corn $3 - 3 x .50 q = FREE
2 Juicy Juice 8 pk $4 - 2 x $1 q = FREE
4 Hershey's Extra Dark chocolate bar $6.64 - 4 x $1 q = FREE

Total: $8.45 ($4.53 of which was tax)

Had I not messed up on the Maalox I would have only paid tax :( Oh well, live and learn...

Total spent today: $30.20

Total for the week: $44.36


Time4mom2 said...

GREAT JOB on the DEALS!! I just found out about the K-Mart Double deal and have gotten my coupons together for tomorrow, hubby said he would take me to help since I have 50 coupons to try and use. Did you encounter any problems using them?? Wish me luck (especially after last weeks' Wal-green failure). Lindy :)

Kristine said...

The only major problem is with $x/x coupons ($1/2 for example). The registers only double up to the price of one item. The only other problem is that the cashiers aren't properly trained. And a lot of things weren't signed correctly at my store but that's an issue with my store not with the promotion. Good luck!